In my experience, 在地球上,很少有什么方法能像在山上度过的时光那样有效地促进有意义的关系. As we venture outside our comfort zones, 我们发现自己处于脆弱的处境,挑战我们依靠同伴的支持,培养情感的透明度, regardless of how guarded we may typically be. 在一个可控的环境中制造这些场景,正是我们每年秋季攀登怀特山脉之旅的目标. While things were slightly different from years past with covid precautions, 我们设法挤出四天时间爬上了东北部一些最令人印象深刻的悬崖, and an exciting overnight trip up the Northeast’s tallest peak, Mount Washington.
第一天, the team loaded the van spreading out so that no two people had to sit next to each other. The Journey’s soundtrack included Kelly Clarkson, Avril Lavigne, and of course Fergie. 当我们到达大教堂礁时,迎接我们的似乎是新英格兰一半的人口. Fortunately for us, 他们中的大多数都是徒步旅行者,我们在稀薄的空气脸上找到了一些没有人的空间,在那里我们复习了保护同伴的基本知识.
When we tie into a climbing rope, we are quite literally trusting our belayer with our life. This is a serious undertaking and can only be mastered through time and practice. 我们通过扩大“地面学校”和使用“后备保护员”来管理这种风险。. The team let the seriousness sink in as we practiced before attempting the real deal. 一旦我们对自己的熟练程度感到满意,我们就以几次攀登结束了下午的活动. The bridge of trust was being built. 第二天,我们将开始在大教堂隔壁的白马岩架上冒险.
Whitehorse Ledge is a massive granite slab that due to its size, requires climbers to break their ascents up into increments or “pitches”. This is an added challenge from toprope climbing. Because multi pitch climbing requires us to break into smaller teams, we brought along Keith Moon from Eastern Mountain Sports Climbing School. 基思是AMGA高山向导和岩石教练,多年来一直与我们的项目广泛合作. 他花了一个上午和我们一起解释多坡度攀登的细微差别,并描述了不同的绳降技术和冬季滑雪登山的应用,然后我们在中午起飞.
我会带3个人上“标准路线”,凯斯会带3个人上“初学者路线”和“石板直接路线”的组合,在那里我们会在一个名为“午餐岩架”的大岩架上汇合,开始我们的下降. Whitehorse提供了一个令人难以置信的多俯角攀岩训练场,有大量的中等坡度攀岩来学习绳索,并获得解决更大目标所需的系统的感觉. When both groups touched back down on the ground, the team was invigorated, a stark contrast to the trepidation felt in the morning.
On day 3 we were able to move at a slower pace. We would be toprope climbing at a single pitch crag called “Lost Horizon”. This did not necessitate the same efficiency that a day of multi pitch climbing might. Here we were able to challenge our movement skills with climbs reaching up to 5.10 in difficulty. 这是我们旅行的第一天,我们经历了解锁一个令人费解的攀登序列的喜悦和沮丧. 当天的部分时间,我们还回顾了使用传统攀爬装备建立锚的基础知识. We packed up around 4:00pm and prepared for our final day of climbing, up Cathedral Ledge.
Keith was back with us for day 4 and he met us bright and early the next morning. 大教堂是一个陡峭而壮观的悬崖,“稀薄的空气面”在周中关闭,以进行小径工作, options for moderate routes were limited. 我们在车上决定,对这两组人来说,最好的选择是将“欢乐之家”和“上部垃圾”两条路线连接起来。. These are personal favorites of mine and I was psyched to share these routes with the team. 游乐园沿着一个陡峭的角落系统进入一个长长的手状裂缝,通向一个大的岩架,大约在悬崖的一半. The most challenging sequence on the route is the first 20 feet. 上面的垃圾从那里拾取,沿着坡道特征,在山谷底部有很高的休息壁架. 最后一个项目包括爬过一道栅栏,这道栅栏是为了防止游客靠近通常有观众在边上等候的地方. 两支队伍在货车旁的野餐桌旁重新集合,帕特里克正拿着汉堡和热狗等在那里. We shared stories from the day and lamented the end to our climbing. The next day we would begin our overnight on Mount Washington.
Mount Washington, or Agiocochook as it was formerly known, is the tallest peak in the Northeast United States and the home to world renowned harsh weather. In 1934, the summit observatory recorded wind speeds of 231 miles per hour. Morning day 5 was spent organizing gear and packing bags. Packing a bag to walk with for miles, and live out of for days in a harsh environment is an art not to be taken lightly. 我们强调了ABCD的包装,即无障碍,平衡,压缩和干燥. Upon conclusion, 中午时分,我们开车到平克汉姆峡谷,不久之后,我们开始沿着塔克曼峡谷小径徒步旅行.
塔克曼峡谷步道是一条宽阔的步道,在2英里多一点的路程中逐渐向上攀登,大约1800英尺,到达隐士湖避难所和“Hojo’s”。, 春天的周末,成千上万的人聚集在这里,享受塔克曼峡谷玉米滑雪带来的欢乐. Upon arriving, 我们看到了一幅美丽而令人生畏的景色,看到了我们过去滑过的许多滑雪线路,也看到了我们将来可能会用这个项目滑过的许多滑雪线路. As evening approached we ate dinner, played cards, and went to sleep over the backdrop of howling winds. 我们对这次充满希望的峰会当天的天气预报是在暴风雨到多云以及有放晴趋势的一系列天气之间摇摆不定. The next day I’d say we experienced all of the above.
In the morning, the alpine zone was in the clouds. 我们沿着靴形小径出发,如果条件允许,我们打算掉头,但希望天气晴朗. As we approached the presidential ridgeline, we were still socked in to the point of only seeing a few cairns in front of us. Despite the inclement conditions, 士气高涨,团队的所有成员都投票决定从我们确定的潜在转机点继续前进. We trekked on to the summit where we encountered crowds who had driven up the auto road. 我们排队等着拍照,然后开始下山,没有因为大风而拖延时间,但仍然没有看到超过50英尺左右的景色. Our celebration would begin upon the clouds clearing as we descended. With our first view of our surroundings since the morning, we took a lunch break and relished in our accomplishment. It was smooth sailing from there on out, 散漫的云朵和美丽的景色使我们忘记了疲惫的双腿.
Sadly the next morning, we would head back down to civilization, but not before watching the sunrise from the Tuckerman Ravine talus. We woke up in the darkness around 5am or so when we began our short hike up to the boulders. 我们每个人都找到了自己舒适的落脚点,静静地坐了一会儿,直到几英里外高速公路对面卡特山脉的地平线上出现了曙光. 他们没说什么话,阳光渐渐照在山腰上泛黄的树叶上. In my experience, moments like these never lose their magic.
This trip was the culmination of our first month of dryland training, and is the foundation of trips to come. 就我个人而言, 我对这个团队如何从一群忧虑但有能力的人发展成为一个由零件组成的精密机器,其潜力开始得到实现感到非常高兴. With future travel uncertain as we navigate a dystopian covid world, 有一件事我可以肯定的是,这个团队将能够克服任何挑战,并欣赏任何可能等待的环境.
**Written by Owen McAndrew, 边远地区 Coach**